Meet our intern, Sondre

As a final part of the bachelor's program in art history at UiT Norway's Arctic University, Sondre Sætaberget spends 50 hours here at the museum. Sondre will be accompanied by the registrar and archivist, Kim Skytte and curator Rebecca Byram.
- Museum work is so diverse! I have gotten the opportunity to tag along, I’ve helped setting up an exhibition and to take one down. Much of the time so far has been spent registering printing plates that have not been entered in the museum's database yet. Many varied assignments give me a good insight into life behind the scenes at an art museum, it is an useful experience to have, says Sondre, who will deliver a bachelor's thesis this autumn - where Peder Balke will be a central part.
It is of great value to the museum to take in students like this.
- It is both about making our collection and archives available for research and to show students what skills needs and jobs there are in the region. If we are lucky, we will see them again here when they reach master's or doctoral level. In any case, we hope that they bring with them a knowledge of Nordnorsk kunstmuseum and our collections later in life and eventually into working life. Nor should we hide the fact that the extra workforce can probably help us to tackle small projects that are otherwise easily pushed on a daily basis. For us, having an intern at the house is for us to be relevant, open and collaborative in practice - the museum is seen as relevant for UiT and their students, we open up what we have of material to meet their wishes and they contribute valuable work for the museum, says Kim.