This winter we will feel the pulse of Norwegian material-based art with a massive exhibition of contemporary arts and craft.
The Annual Craft Exhibition (Årsutstillingen) is an annual exhibition arranged by The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, and in 2020 it returns to Tromsø for the first time since 1980. Welcome to an exciting and challenging exhibition, filled with stark contrasts and new directions for material-based art.
Variations in all forms
The Annual Craft Exhibition is called the biggest mustering of material based contemporary art in Norway, and the range of different expressions is truly enormous. We are presenting works from the tiniest, most fragile glassworks to several meters long artworks made of leather and textile. You'll see art made of mooring rope, birch roots, trawl balls, fermented glass, and cast fish slaughter leftovers. The artists have stretched the limits of materials and techniques, but also their own hands, bodies and minds.
Two winners
Two prizes have been awarded to artists in the exhibition: The Finn Eriks Alsos Memorial Price went to Sofia Karyofilis for Etter tørke (After the draught). The Debutant Price went to Linda Morell and her work Epidaurus.

The exhibition is juried and open to anyone who wants to contribute. This year 362 applicants submitted 947 works. The final selection sent 64 works to be exhibited.
Header image: Krystall, blå by Kari Mølstad. Photo: Jørn Hagen