In March 2020 Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum became a craft museum, focusing on creativity, participation, activism and enthusiasm.
We've made three major changes:
- A brand new collection exhibition highlighting crafts from the north and duodji. We have packed away all paintings, videos and other visual arts.
- A brand new store dedicated to newly established Northern Norwegian and Sami designers and craftspersons.
- A makerspace with a café - a studio for anyone who wants to be creative. With a focus on craftivism, we will address current issues such as consumerism, materialism and the environmental crisis - all through crafts and materials.

Museums are not neutral. Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum will be a different museum, a museum that is present, easily accessible and a committed speaker for everyday creativity. We believe that art and cultural institutions need to do more to get involved in the very pressing issues of our time. Museums need to be proactive and able to create change and new opportunities. We need alternatives and new visions of what an art museum can and should be today.